The Unlawful Slave: Injustice & Inequality

from the collection of State of Mind

2 min readAug 18, 2023
DALL·E 2023–08–16 13.46.29 — brain in a box with black background

Upon the balcony by which they stand, stating
Melancholic speeches by which it is echoed aright.

The devil is roaring in these children:
The legions of an ungodly human invade them.

They want me not at peace with myself, and
When I am moved they rejoice?

I am but at peace with myself, fighting
Night and day by these asp that trouble me.

My footsteps they follow, and
Must I sit in fear as they irrupt before me?

Unconscious was I when one asp troubled me, saying
Fire to the spirit sensing its presents before me.

And they rejoice calling in their congregation,
Praising His holy name for it is good.

And there I am useless to my owner, and
Them who cannot use me no more.

Master, why do you make my thoughts known
Amongst these serpents? and
They rejoice projecting by what is heard.




Writer. Educator. Poet with that of an Associate's Degree. Undergraduate student studying that of the English Language Arts.